Strange little problem, any ideas?
I don't really have a bug I don't think but I thought I'd post this here to see if anyone has any ideas for me.
I have a MIDI Fighter Twister (love it!) and have something very strange happening. For just channel 1, CC 16, nothing is received by Logic Pro on my Mac. Other apps receive it fine, and Logic Pro receives channel 1 CC 16 just fine from other MIDI sources.
For example I have an app called Midi-pipe. I can use it to passthru messages. I can send channel 1 CC 16 into it from MFT just fine and then send it out to Logic and it is received.
I also have VCV Rack and it can receive 1 16 from MFT just fine.
Any other channel I've tried also works fine for CC 16 into Logic, only channel 1 is a problem. To be clear I haven't tried every channel, every CC, from every source, but for those I have tried it is only 1 16 and only from MFT to Logic.
Thanks for any thoughts anyone might have on this.
Well after digging into the depths of Logic I figured it out. Had some very old, very specific controller settings that for some reason were capturing some messages. Not even sure what they were trying to do but I deleted them and all is fine now.
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